Jaago Re! One Billion Votes campaign has made voter registration really simple. A powerful campaign with powerful tools and messages. Jaagore is about creating awareness amongst the Youth, people who have never excercised voting and also a way to educate voters at all levels. I believe Jaagore is not about voters registration. To me its a matter of making people realize on how they act to improvise the system. How many of us really know that the number of youth legally entitled to vote (18-30 years) is around 30%. For the matter of fact until I received my first voters card years ago, even I was not aware. The campaign for the first time in India is making use of the online registration form and helps register your name within 5 mins. It helps understand the different constituency and updates with the latest happenings around. After all education, health, slums, rains, draughts, food, riots, poverty, modernization, youth power...everything needs a change or rather improvement. Our votes can't bring a drastic change, but atleast can act as a stepping stone in making some change happen. Each vote is crucial. That doesn't mean to wake up and just go and vote. Gain the knowledge of all the candidancy within your constituency who will be standing for elections. Now-a-days the general elections also publish the records of each of these candidates. So all information is infront of us. It's upto each individual to make use of it. It's our right to decide whom we vote and how we can help improve the system. Understanding the ideology of the parties and the individuals representing the party is one way and the best way to do it.
Chart your journey and excercise your right to vote.
No Vote - No Say !! - Vote today, don't curse tomorrow...
Sacche ko chune - acche ko chune - Aamir Khan's election awareness campaign commercial
References (All about general elections 2009) : http://pib.nic.in/elections2009/default.asp
Campaign against Criminals in Politics (Contains list of some MP's with criminal background) : http://www.nocriminals.org/
Learn more about the main parties: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f9240158-251f-11de-8a66-00144feabdc0.html
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